Nosrati was born on May 2, 1931. She was from the city of Fanouj, in Sistan and Baluchestan Province, and a music descendant of Iran’s southern regions.

In 1994, she performed a regional concert with Esmat Houdiani. Her main specialties were lullabies and zahirookkhani (poems with the themes of sadness, grief, and separation).

She had a First Class Order of Culture and Art and was a member of the Veteran Artists Institute.

The head of the institute and other cultural figures expressed condolence over the death of the artist.

Deputy Culture Minister for Art Affairs Mojtaba Hosseini also sent a message to condole the death of one of the female survivors of Baluchi music.

“Female regional artists are the narrators of culture and play an effective role in maintaining cultural identity, beliefs, and rituals. Nosrati is one of these artists who, with her songs and lullabies, serves an important role in the continuation of the traditions as well as cultural and identity rituals of Sistan and Baluchestan,” read the message.

Source: Iran Daily