The performance will take place at the Macedonian Philharmonic on November 10, the organizers have announced.

 OFFest was established in 2002 as a second festival, which grew up from the long-established tradition of the Skopje Jazz Festival. 

The main idea was to create another important music event in a different period of the year, and in terms of music genres, more widely oriented.

The festival presents a variety of music from all continents, focusing on different categories from traditional, ethno, folk, and roots to urban, contemporary, and experimental music styles.

Accompaniment of Kamanche and Baghlama of Kalhor and Arzanjan will be in form of improvisation. The concert focuses on Kurdish songs and Alavi music of Turkey. 

Ardal Arzanjan is one of the musicians of Baghlama. Arzanjan hold many duets in 2004 with Kalhor in Tehran, Istanbul, Rotterdam, Schiltigheim, and many other cities around the world.

Their album “The Wind” was released in 2006 by ECM and their collaboration has remained vibrant ever since.

In a statement, the Offest 2020 organizers praised Kalhor as a five-time Grammy Award nominee whose “one of the most exciting of his innumerable projects and unique collaborations that have attracted audiences around the globe is his duo with the renowned Turkish baglama player Erdal Erzincan.”

The eight-day festival opened with a performance by Spanish singer Silvia Perez Cruz on November 3.