Visit Mohammad Ehsaei Calligraphys at Golestan Gallery
A Calligraphy exhibition featuring renowned Iranian artist Mohammad Ehsaei artworks is underway at Golestan Gallery. The show runs until 17 November.
A Calligraphy exhibition featuring renowned Iranian artist Mohammad Ehsaei artworks is underway at Golestan Gallery. The show runs until 17 November.
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE)-Seventeen artworks by Iranian artists went under the hammer at Bonhams Auction in London on Tuesday.
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE)-Bonhams's Auction will be held live in London on November 24 .Iran has accounted for 50% of the total works in this auction.
A Calligraphy exhibition featuring renowned Iranian artist Mohammad Ehsaei artworks is underway at Tehran’s Boom Gallery. The show runs until 6 March.
TEHRAN,(HONARONLINE)- Iranian Art Spreads Its Appeal to Fashion World.