Eyvan Shams hall

  • Eyvan Shams Hall hosted a special program on Saturday, March 10, to pay tribute to artists and icons who passed away this year, and who had a significant impact on shaping modern Iranian art. A number of artistic and cultural figures as well as families attended the one-day event organized by Iranian Artists Forum and Tehran Municipality.

  • Eyvan Shams hosted the 1st edition of Afshin Yadollahi Songwriting Awards on Tuesday. Afshin Yadollahi was a distinguished Iranian poet, songwriter and composer. He died in a car crash on March 15 ,2017. He was 48.

  • Iranian Christians and Muslims convened at Eyvan Shams on Thursday, January 4, to celebrate their centuries-old friendship and co-existence. Titled The Miqat (Crossing Point) of the Moon and the Cross, the event was organized under the auspices of the International Center for Development of Sisterhood among Iranian Cities.

  • The 19th Iran Cinema Celebration was held at Eyvan Shams hall in Tehran. This year the organisers honoured Sirous Ebrahimzadeh, Kianoush Ayyari and Hassan Alizadeh. Mohammad Hassan Khoshnevis received a lifetime achievement award during the Sunday gathering, which was attended by several artists.