By order of Kazem Nazari, Director General of Performing Arts, Hadi Hejazifar, actor and  director of cinema and television, was appointed as the secretary of the 19th Tehran-Mubarak International Puppet Festival.

Hadi Hejazifar is an Iranian film and television actor and theater  and cinema director. He is born in June 21, 1976  in  Khoy City.

He is a well-known artist in Iran and has  nominated  and won some awards from FadJr Film Festival. He has a bachelor's degree in puppetry from  Tehran University as well as a master's degree in acting and directing from Tarbiat Modares University. He brought on stage some acclaimed shows as well.

His latest film and series as director and actor was “The Situation of Mehdi”,about Shahid Mehdi Bakery during Iran_Iraq War.


Source: Iran Theatrer