Hamed Soleiman zade, film critic and member of the International Federation of Film Critics ( fipresci ), under the pretext of presence and awards of this short film directed by Mostafa Mehraban in international festivals, wrote a text

Hamed Soleiman zade, film critic and member of the International Federation of Film Critics ( fipresci ), under the pretext of presence and awards of this short film directed by Mostafa Mehraban in international festivals, wrote a text, the text of the memo reads :

Among the different characters of dramatic literature in Shakespeare's play, Othello, Iago has most attracted the attention of critics who have written hundreds of analyses, notes, and treatises on this character. One of the most important reasons for the significance of Iago is in his limited physical presence but its disastrous effect on all elements of the narrative. Iago is not seen a lot but his presence is felt all through the play.

By using this brief introduction I'll go for the analysis of the film " Cradle of Silence ". In this film, the war as a narrative theme is absent ( only the car which is covered with mud can be interpreted as a representation of the war atmosphere,) but its destructive and destroying effects make the foundation of the script's narrative.

The careful realism of the film and its combination with rural settings and native dialect make the plausible foundation for the film so that the viewers can follow the film’s story, which was shortened and is simple. The designed frames and the use of color and eye-catching light have discussed the aesthetic value of filming as one of the stylistic elements.

The segmentation appropriate to the current space in the story and the mise en scène of the film has caused the film to be equipped with a decoupage system and the director cannot be accused of excessive and improper use of technique or content. On the other hand, the factors that could help the film to be able to achieve more success are editing and performances.

In some of the scenes, performances are mechanical and cannot transfer feelings. The editor could give more attention to the editing process and the film could have a better rhythm by revising the selection of cut-points between some views.

As a whole, the short film " Cradle of Silence", as an experience, has been able to create a perfect relationship between stylistic and narrative elements, staying humble in facing a protestation concern. Well done to all the crew.

By Marziyeh Asgari